Connecting 2 KX134 via I2C

Hello all,

Is there a way to connect two KX134 with I2C on a Arduino DUE. I am using the library provided from Sparkfun : SparkFun_KX13X_Arduino_Library-main

I can’t create a second object for the second accelerometer.

Thank you very much for your help

If you wire one to the Due’s SDA/SCL/GND/PWR and then use a qwiic cable to interconnect the 2 kx134’s you could…the only thing is you need to cut the ADR left+center trace and solder the center+right ADR pads according to this … e-overview (go to ADR section)

Keep in mind once they are daisy-chained you’ll likely need to also disable one of the kx134’s i2c pull-up resistors by cutting the traces on ONE board