Connecting a MicroMod nRF52840 to the nRF52840 Mini

I have a Mini that I am planning to have sensors on and I am wanting to communicate with a MicroMod nRF52840 on a main board with an ethernet function board. The MicroMod uses ArduinoBLE and the Mini uses Bluefruit. I would like to use the same library for everything (I also have an Artemis MicroMod that uses ArduinoBLE that I’d like to connect too as well) but it doesn’t seem that they’re compatible. I am very new to Bluetooth stuff and am still researching. Is it possible to use the Bluefruit library to make characteristics that the ArduinoBLE library can connect to?

I would recommend just using our Mini version instead that shares more codebase?

This time I do not agree with TS-Russell… The Micromod nrf52480 is leveraging the Arduino MBED Nano OS library. The Nrf52480 product ( 15025) is leveraging the Adafruit library. So the codebase is as different as indicated by thousand56. I tried to use Adafruit library on the Micromod nrf52480, but it did not work. Maybe only if you change the bootloader… but I have not gone that far…

The good news is that BLE = BLE. It is a very well-defined standard that all devices need to follow. So they can connect and communicate with each other without problems. I communicate with ArduinoBLE to Linux BLUEZ and Android BLE without problems. But indeed ArduinoBLE does not run on the Adafruit boards library. Adafruit library has many good examples to get going either as central or peripheral.