Connecting Serial Basic 3.3 VCC to another 3.3 V output

I’m going to use a Serial Basic to supply RTK corrections on the TX2/RX2 UART on a ZED-F9P breakout part 16481. Following the suggestion for using a Bluetooth Mate, I plan to solder right-angle headers to the UART2 pins on the ZED-F9P and plug in the Serial Basic. However, this means that the 3.3 V output on the Serial Mate would be connected to the 3.3 V output on the ZED-F9P board. The voltages won’t match exactly, so one of the outputs will be driving current into the other output. This seems unwise, so I’m thinking of not connecting the two 3.3 V sources by clipping the header pin.

Any thoughts about this?

Leave the 3.3v pin disconnected, just use gnd, rx and tx.