Connecting SparkFun CANBUS shield with VW Cluster

Greetings everyone.

For my master thesis, as the title say I’m trying to connect a VW cluster to Arduino via SparkFun CANBUS Shield.

Right in the beginning I stumbled upon a problem:

I cannot / I don’t know how to Initialize CAN communicaton. I’ve connected CAN H, CAN L and GND from cluster to CAN pins on the shield but I cannot Init CAN.

Picture :

What do I have to do to make it work?

Thank you in advance.

Run through the examples here … stallation and that should get ya goin’

Thank you for your reply.

I went through those tutorials and whenever I run some CAN Sketch I always get the same error: Can’t Init CAN.

If I understood Mr. Stephen McCoy correctly, It doesn’t matter on which of the following you connect your device - with on-board pins, or with pins 6 and 14 on the OBDII connector? (

What arduino is the shield on?

Arduino Uno R3

That error is saying the uno and shield are having a communication issue. A uno r3 should work fine.

What do you solder joints look like on the back side of the shield?

(Soldered them myself - It was my first time soldering anything)

Your solder doesn’t look too bad, especially for a first timer!

Might try touching up the solder a bit on the pins that go between the CAN chip and the Arduino. Those are D2, D10, D11, D12, and D13. Heat up the junction where the pin goes through the board and feed a bit more solder on the opposite side of the pin from where the soldering iron is. Also make sure to clean any left over flux residue off the board when you’re done soldering. Some 99% rubbing alcohol and a old tooth brush would be good for cleaning the residue off. (The residue is sometimes slightly conductive and can interfere with communication between the Arduino and shield)

Once you’ve done that, see if the CAN_Read_Demo.ino sketch runs without any “Can’t Init CAN” errors. If you get that far I think you’re set and ready to write some code to talk to your cluster.

It worked. Thank you very much!

Glad that worked, happy hacking!