converting a 5v signal to 3.3

I have several sensors gps gyro accelerometer ect that run on either 5 or 3.3 volts i need to translate between them. how can this be done efficently

5v mc bs2px

3.3 mc MSP430F149

I think 3.3V output can go to 5V input directly, or through a 10K.

5V output can go to 3.3V input through a 10K.

One thing to watch out. If the 3.3V is off while 5V is on, the 5V

output may leak enough current to keep the MSP430 running

or in a brown-out state. So, make sure 5V and 3.3V are on/off


so a 10k resister and a diode

Check NXP (philips) [GTL2000. I am using it between 3.3V LPC and 3.3V to 5V peripery (separate variable supply).



where are they sold

Do you know if the msp is 5 Volt tolerent ? if yes, is not a problem to plus the output part of bs2px directly to the msp. And if the msp VOH(min) is > than VIH(min) of bs2px than you are also correct. So in this situation you don’t need anything between both chip. If one of the 2 is not correct, you need translator of opencollector buffer.

my 0.02$
