Datasheet Humor

Was just reading a datasheet and read this that made me literally laugh out load.

All the same, once the user has got some theoretical knowledge, the advice of most experts is to suck it and see.

Ha! Good one. I wonder how that one made it past the proof readers. Or does it make sense in context? What datasheet?

  • Chip

A long time ago, I came across a web page full of real “fake” IC and transistor data sheets, many from TI.

And for the ultimate, Google the Rockwell Retro Encabulator.


There used to be tons of these, including the LH0033/LH0063 fast and damn fast opamps, the Signetics 25120 write-only memory, the UMAC-606 Phantasatron, and while not a datasheet, the doodles in the Tektronix schematics.
