Is anyone using DipTrace? I’ve been a long time Eagle user, but holy cow that program is showing its age. I’ve been able to import eagle libs into diptrace no problem. And the UI is much better than Eagle. But I’m wondering if anyone that uses it for hours a day can comment on stability and what is most annoying about the program. They have a 1000 pin 4 layer version that is $130 or so if you aren’t going to use it for commercial boards.
I spent some time playing with it and, so far, I’m not flushing Eagle. It feels clunky to me but maybe that’s just because I’m accustomed to something else. I created a small schematic - transistor, resistor, diode and a bunch of connectors. The connectors didn’t get brought from the schematic into the PCB. I’m not sure why. I also find the libraries hard to wade through - there doesn’t seem to be a compact way of seeing what’s in them. It’s hard to understand the details of a given component. Perhaps I need more time at it…
I’ll continue to play with it a bit more to see if it gets more natural. So far it feels less powerful than Eagle.