Direct JPG capture cameras - Parallel version

I saw someone else asking about the comedia C328 JPG camera - I’ve used these before from, but the serial interface has some problems, and the data sheet isn’t the best.

The camera I’m really interested in seeing sparkfun pick up is the ST micro VS6724 - It’s a PDA camera that is just about as small as the existing ‘camera’ solution here, but it outputs JPG or raw data over an 8 bit bus that works at up to 80MHZ, but doesn’t require you to provide H and V synch… Essentially it’s a camera one can actually use easily in a low spec embedded system.

Please let me know, as flexible cameras can be very useful.


P.S. If you can see my email address from my account you can tell I do order from your quite frequently, and have for years… if you add it, I’ll likely buy it.