Does the CP2104 USB Driver work with Apple Silicon?

I’ve looked to see if the driver was compatible and I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere. The last update predated Apple Silicon so I’m not sure if it is going to work. When I tried to use it, it wouldn’t connect and the driver is removed upon reboot. Have any of you with Apple Silicon computers got the driver to work?

Update: I looked at the driver release notes and for version 1.02 they had the following note:

Version 1.02

Updated to support the Intel platform through a universal binary that also supports PowerPC.

Since I don’t see the equivalent for Apple Silicon I suspect that it doesn’t work. Can anyone confirm?

I believe it’s fine; the release notes for Mac … =downloads show later revisions being made to work…

If it’s still giving issues perhaps run the uninstall and re-install with the fresh DL?

Thanks for the response. When I looked at the release notes, I noticed that they were primarily for macOS Big Sur, which ran on x86 platforms as well as Apple Silicon. I don’t see anything later which would be solely for Apple Silicon. I’m not sure where you saw in the release notes where later revisions were being made to work with the Apple Silicon chip specifically.

I was reading this … _Notes.txt ; “10.11 or greater” - if you’re running an older version it has notes about using the legacy driver too