I downloaded the blink sketch after changing the times to see the led flash differently. I then changed the times again and now it will not let me and errors with a sync error.
I have check to make sure I have the correct board and serial port selected.
In doing research online and in this forum I notice the bootloader could be corrupted. I would hate to have to re-do the bootloader after every program change.
Any thoughts.
This is what I found in my system.
- I checked my comms on the computer were working. Removed chip, wired pins 1 and 2 together used serial monitor to check communication. If working the data you send should be echoed back. (Found this on a forum but lost the link)
This tested ok!
- Jumped the reset line to Gnd and quickly hit upload on a verified program.
Bamm it worked, so this means the software reset and button were not working. I re-soldered the reset-en pins and all is now right with the world.