Duet 3 3HC Connected to External DM542 Driver and Stepper Motor

Hi everyone,
Recently I have been stuck on how to connect the Duet 3 3HC expansion board to an external DM542(Buy DM542 Leadshine Digital Stepper Driver 0.5-4.2A 20-50VDC for Nema 17, Nema 23, Nema 24 Stepper Motor Online - Oyostepper.com) or similar driver. I am a bit confused about the Duet 3 3HC connections. I need to connect the high voltage plus signal

I see on the Duet 3 3HC driver pins

Does this mean that the A+, A-, B+, B- of the external driver connect to the Duet driver pins above? Is the labeling on the Duet 3 3HC expansion board wrong? I am totally confused

Motors typically go on A+/- and B +/- not other boards. Have you contacted the manufacturer of your items to see if they have any directions?

I think you’re confused because you have 2 boards that can drive steppers…either wire directly from the 3HC using the Driver0 port @ bottom

Or use outputs from the 3HC to send signals to DM542, wired thusly

In either case the a+/- & b+/- would then be wired to the motor