DYU Arduino and Oscillator Module

Hi Everyone.

I’m trying to build some very simple Arduino compatible board.

My local surplus electronic shop didn’t have simple 16mhz crystal, all they had was some bulky oscillator module, looking exactly like those : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … egory=7286.

The pinout of these is : 1 vcc, 1 gnd, 1 ouput, 1 not connected.

I found info on how to wire a resonator, or a crystal plus two small capacitor, but not help with a oscillator module.

Apart from powering it, I guess I should wire the output of the oscillator to one of the Atmega clock pin, and ground the other clock pin, but it’s just a guess.

Does anyone has some knowlegde on this?



You apply power to the module (pin 7 is ground, pin 14 is Vcc), and connect the clock output (pin 8 ) to the AVR clock input. Those pin numbers correspond to a 14 pin DIL socket which you can use with the module.


Thanks you.

I was worried about what to do with the atmega “clock output” pin.

Looks like I can just leave it alone.

Yes. You need to set the fuses for an external clock input, of course.
