Eagle and how to design PCBs for manufacturing


I’ve built PCBs in the past using Eagle, but that was using UV lamps and chemicals at home. Now I want to have double sided PCBs made by either Olimex or BatchPCB.

I’m pretty sure I’ll be ok with the schematic and routing side, though I have no idea how to configure Eagle so the files it will generate will be usable by the PCB manufacturing company.

How do you configure Eagle for that?

What do you need to configure? I’ve heard about design rules, drill set and others…

What are the gotchas?

How do I verify everything is properly configured (i.e. can I send my configuration files to somebody so they can be checked)?



To check your gerbers, I’d use http://www.circuitpeople.com/

I can’t speak for Eagle, but in general, what you will want to do:

Find the design rules from your chosen PCB fab, and enter these into your PCB layout software before you start. You may have options to auto-enforce design rules when you manually route traces, or you may want to run a DRC at various points while you’re laying it out. The design rules will consist of minimum trace width, minimum space between traces, smallest annular ring, minimum silkscreen line width, soldermask clearances etc.

You may find your software has vendor drill mapping, which is very useful (gEDA PCB has this feature). This is where you can make a file which tells the software what drill sizes are available, and it will change the drill sizes on your layout after the fact. You should at the very least be able to enter drill sizes before starting the layout. Olimex in particular will charge you extra if you don’t use their preferred drill sizes, so it’s worth doing this up front.

Hi, there is a pcb house that will take Eagle files directly and make good PCB’s at low cost. It is custompcb.com. $52 total for two double sided 4X5.5" boards