Eagle components wont get in line!

I was trying to make a PCB the other day in eagle that held 3 leds and connected them to a 4 pin header. When I was designing the PCB the first LED would not get into the same line as the rest of the LEDs. The part is the same (sparkfun 5mm LED)

This is annoying me as they wont go into a straight line. It might be to do with the fact that the holes are joined onto the line in different places or something like that.

If you want a picture then just ask.



[edit, notify]

One or more of the parts are probably not aligned on the grid. The MOVE command will auto-align a component on the current grid, e.g “MOVE R1”, “MOVE C5”.

One or more of the parts are probably not aligned on the grid. The MOVE command will auto-align a component on the current grid, e.g “MOVE R1”, “MOVE C5”.

How do I do the command?

(noob here)



This picture has the command box circled. Just type it in there and hit enter. The part will snap to your cursor and be aligned on the grid. You can then move it to wherever, or hit escape to put it back where it was.


Hold down the CTRL key when you click a part to move it and it will jump to the nearest grid point. Can also be done with the corners of traces. Don’t do it with the middle of traces/lines.