EAGLE drill files not exporting right

Hello Guys,

I’m new and I hope someone can shed some light on how to export my board to SFE specifications.

I went through Spark Fun’s tutorial on what files to use and how to generate gerber files that Spark Fun Electronics can use. All my layers exported fine with no problems, except the darn .drd file. I used the device Excellon to output compatible drill data with no errors yet when I try to view the file using View Mate, I see several green dots way outside the boards edge / border.

If I try to import the .drd file using “import gerber”, I get a syntax error.

If I try to import the .drd file using “Drill & Rout”, I have no errors but the drill data shows green dots all on the out side of the board. There are more green dots than what the board actually has.

Am I doing something wrong with view mate?



The SF CAM job produces a drill file with no (implicit) decimal points, and (IIRC) 1.4 leading zero suppression. (Make a simple board with one or two holes in known locations to figure out exactly what the X-Y format is.) Anyway, if you put the decimal points into your drill file, then VewMate will display everything correctly.

I don’t know what SF wants for a drill file, though; they froze jobs just after I sent my first one, and I don’t think my files were exactly right. I hope they can get the new system up soon, because I’m itching to see if my design works.

Anyway, if you put the decimal points into your drill file, then VewMate will display everything correctly.

You don't need to add decimal points to the drill file. See my May 09, 2005 post in [[this thread](http://www.sparkfun.com/cgi-bin/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=748&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15).

Also, to change from 2.4 to 2.3 format in EAGLE, see [this thread.

I always add the following note to my order:

Created with EAGLE 4.15. Drill file is 2.3 format with LZ suppression.


I got it to work guys. Thanks for the help.

Click on thumbnail to see my output of the drill file. it lines up with no problems on the pads. Sorry about the poor quality image, I had to use windows paint.

[<LINK_TEXT text=“http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/1992 … 4lm.th.gif”>http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/1992/screen14lm.th.gif</LINK_TEXT>[/img]](ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs)