Eagle PCB design.

Hay, so I’m new to the forums and to start off with can i just say what a wonderful website Sparkfun is and also what a grate community of people it seems to have created, it’s all ready been a great help reading through these forums/the tutorials provided on the site.

So on to my question:

So I’m a reasonably experienced with electronics in general and for the past few months I’ve been working on a (rather large)project and recently started using eagle, witch I’ve just found to be absolutely grate!

But now I’m down to the part of the project where i need to create a PCB from my design, now my designs pretty big(a good few hundred components) and i have my schematics broken down into around 15 individual sheets connected up, is there any was i can input sheet by sheet onto the PCB or do i have to do it all at once?

Also, how well have people found the Autorouter feature to be?

I’m using Eagle Standard.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated and apologies if this topic has already been covered.

All the best,

Charles. :smiley:

is there any was i can input sheet by sheet onto the PCB or do i have to do it all at once?

After you've created a schematic, click 'File' menu then choose 'Switch to board'. This will add all devices with packages to a new board and arrange the parts on the board's default grid.

Also, how well have people found the Autorouter feature to be?

The Autorouter can give a user ideas about routing tricky traces. However, I would not recommend using it alone to route your board's traces. I do recommend opening the Autorouter, understanding the settings of it and the DRC, then using it to solve high-count signal bus pathing and similar jobs.
