I have been reading over the (awesome !!) learning information and am a bit confused about which direction charge is propelled. I have always thought of it as electron flow, negatively charged electrons flowing from neg to pos, but after reading the info on Electric Fields (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wh … lectricity) I’ve come unstuck on a point…
It says these two points throughout the article. The 2nd point is bringing me undone:
- “electricity usually involves the flow of electrons–negative charges–which flow against electric fields.”
To me this makes sense
- “The charges are propelled by an electric field. We need a source of electric potential (voltage), which pushes electrons from a point of low potential energy to higher potential energy.”
To me, I thought that the charges were propelled by voltage pushing charge (current) along in the opposite direction of the electric field??
I am hoping someone can help me understand it better please? Thanks !