Enable Green LED in SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor - MAX30101 & MAX32664

Hi, is there a way to enable “Multi LED Mode” for the MAX30101. I know the sensor itself is not meant to operate on this mode and wrist readings are no suitable for this sensor, but for a school project, we are attempting to do so anyway. Is there a way to change this through the Arduino IDE and supply the sensor 5V to power the green LED?

As far as I know, these are not possible if you use Sparkfun MAX30101 breakout board. You may have to buy a MAX30101 and design your own module suitable for your task.

So there’s no form to modify the registers of the MAX30101 on the hear rate sensor?

As far as my understanding goes, that kind of modification will not be a shortcut process. That will need to redesign the whole board. But still, let us see what Team sparkfun has to suggest.