Hello, Greetings!
The datasheet of XA1110 states that it gives accuracy <2.5m for update speed less than 5Hz and SBAS enabled. I am trying to find how to enable it but couldn’t find anything to materialize!
Please help me with this
Thank you
Hello, Greetings!
The datasheet of XA1110 states that it gives accuracy <2.5m for update speed less than 5Hz and SBAS enabled. I am trying to find how to enable it but couldn’t find anything to materialize!
Please help me with this
Thank you
On page 12 of the datasheet (https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/parts/1 … Manual.pdf), it gives the PMTK packet string that you send to the module:
Packet Meaning:
Enable to search a SBAS satellite or not.
Data Field:
‘0’ = Disable
‘1’ = Enable
Just to reconfirm, sending this packet to the module will enable SBAS?
I am a beginner with GPS so have little to none idea about sending packets and reading technical data.
Well… the issue with the XA1110 is that the original manufacturing company was purchased by another company. When it traded hands datasheets were revised and small changes were made to the module. That, unfortunately, made multiple copies of altered datasheets floating on the internet. We’ve stuck to posting the “as-up-to-date-as-possible” datasheet, but some functions may not be fully functional anymore or have to be initialized in different ways. I say this not to discourage you, but you should try the method I showed earlier and if that doesn’t work keep searching! Here is a forum post that was similar that I did find a solution after several days of searching: viewtopic.php?p=211562#p211562
Alright! Thank you so much.