Greetings all,
This is my first post, as I am new into this forum.
I have an CS-E9302 dev board and the ARM-USB-OCD
Everything appeared to install OK.
I have loaded and compiled 2 projects demo2106_blink_flash and lpc-l2294 which compiled OK without errors.
In Eclipse(3.3) I launch - Run/External Tools/OpenOCD, I get this error message in the Eclipse C/C++ console message center:
Info: openocd.c:93 main(): Open On-Chip Debugger (2007-09-05 09:00 CEST)
Error: embeddedice.c:181 embeddedice_build_reg_cache(): unknown EmbeddedICE version (comms ctrl: 0x00000000)
Error: arm_jtag.c:38 arm_jtag_set_instr_error_handler(): setting the new JTAG instruction failed, debugging is likely to be broken
The LED went from solid green to flashing red/green very fast.
Any Ideas?
I had the same error.
I’m using student sistem on our faculty for electrotechnic in Ljubljana
I solved this error with delay:
Edit your configuration file for openocd and use this in it:
jtag_speed 9
jtag_nsrst_delay 333
jtag_ntrst_delay 333
Hope that it will work for you.
Thanks Mitto,
It turns out that for Run\External Tools\Open External Tools Dialog:
the External tool for:
Main/Location: C:\GCCFD\openocd\bin\openocd-ftd2xx.exe
was set to ARM7 not my new one:
Also, to get the JTAG to work in debug perspective, I had to Configure a new launch setting under the Embedded debug(Native) tree
Run/Open debug Dialog/
with the c/C++ application set to main.out
GDB debugger to C:\gccfd\yagarto\bin\arm-elf-gdb.exe
and set the “Run” Commands to what I wanted.
Note: I am using Eclipse 3.3.0 which has different dialog boxes that the James Lynch tutorial ver 4 (which is excellant btw) that came with my CD.