Error Uploading Redboard with online Ardunio IDE

I am attempting to use a Redboard from Sparkfun Inventors Kit version 3.3 with Arduino online “create” IDE.

From the online Arduino IDE I select “Arduino/Genuino Uno” from the dropdown box, but when I go to upload it says “error uploading, check to see if the current board is available”. The code does verify, this is only on upload.

Is it possible to use Redboard with Arduino online IDE?


John B

Can’t say about online. I know IDE 1.8.7 works fine with it. I used the " Arduino Genuine/UNIO" choice

The Redboard uses a different USB interface chip. The FTDI FT231X. So I had to add the FTDI driver into Windows and each Redboard I connect. Windows assigned a different COM Port. That I had to select in the configuration choices.

If you need the FTDI drivers.

There is a link on the Redboards sales page. Documents Tab.