I have developed an application running on MEGA 2560 using LoRa and modbus RTU via RS485
I am looking for a reliable RTC solution
I already noticed some anomaly with the RV1805 RTC module I was playing with…
When I use swRTC and set the time correctly, I can use rtc.getTimestamp(1970);
and it gets the correct epoch value as verified by https://www.unixtimestamp.com/
However when I switch to the SparkFun_RV1805.h library and use rtc.getEpoch();
it gives me bullshit epoch data 30 years late - i.e. 1993
The use of the library is also vague in terms of deciding whether the RTC values on bootup are
legitimate, or whether it needs to be initialized…
You know like on a stove… when the clock blinks, one can tell that its time is wrong.
I want to be able to figure out whether the RTC values at bootup are legitimate / trustworthy
In the sample code, there is a note that the list of defined variables is where the date gets deposited
when one does an RTC read, but I observed no such thing… Just seems strange and non-definitive.
I also see mention that someone was observing the RV1805 drifting MINUTES per day ??
rather than milliseconds per year
Maybe it’s time to look for something smarter…
Also, what is with the favicon - web icon - being broken in this forum ??!!
I just opened window to this forum, from the sparkfun site and prepared to write a post, and then
POOF. friggen tab was gone… only one sparkfun favicon in the whole page and it wasn’t the forum
I just figured out that in the forum pages, they show up in the browser tabs with the generic bland
non-descript misc grey globe instead of the SparkFun flame