ESP32-S2 THING PLUS Battery interface

I have an ESP32-S2 THING PLUS which is working well with a variety of Qwiic devices, so I am aiming to make it stand-alone with a JST-connected LiPo battery (on order).

I may have missed it in the documentation, but once I connect the battery, how do I detect its state of change (or voltage) from the Thing Plus?

Many thanks!


Here’s a snippet from this guide … e-overview

Charging Circuit

The charging circuit utilizes the MCP73831 linear charge management controller and is powered directly from the USB-C connector or USB. The controller is configured for a 500mA charge rate by default; there is a jumper on the back of the boards for users to lower the charge rate to 100mA. Battery charging is indicated when the yellow, CHG LED. If the charge controller is shutdown or charging is complete, the CHG LED will turn off. For more information, please refer to the MCP73831 datasheet.

You could also tap into the wires/traces of that charge controller directly if needed, see the schematic here … atic_2.pdf (say, if you wanted a live readout of the voltage)

OK, so I have to add some separate components to detect the state of charge? Not a big problem, although it would have been nice for those to be on the board.

Something like SPX-17715 or TOL-20680 would work for you.

OK thanks.