ESP32 Thing C wroom and external power for addressable leds ??? " newbie "

Hi All ., was wondering if you could help a newbie out.

I am using Esp32 Thing C wroom with 4 ws8212 addressable led strips from Adafruit each with 300 leds on so 1200 leds in total.

I am using Wled code and app to control them , but i am gonna need an external powersupply for the 4 strips and was wondering if my idea of hooking it up will work.

Please consider that i am a TOTAL newbie in this , today is my first day messing with a board of this kind.

But my theory would be Taking +v directly to ledstrip , data to GPIO channel and Gnd to both Gnd on board and strip ?

would i be right in doing that ? :slight_smile:

So many thanks in advance.,


Yep (using the Thing C WROOM pin #s with Wled)

Check out pgs 9-> … rguide.pdf to see a general guide on how it all works

Thx man , really appreciate that :slight_smile:

Yep (using the Thing C WROOM pin #s with Wled)

Check out pgs 9-> … rguide.pdf to see a general guide on how it all works

Hi again TS Russell

Can i bother you a bit more :smiley: i have got the board working with 1 led strip using VUSB , GND , 4/free as channel… now im curious to the different GPIO , can i use any GPIO as control channel for the digital signal going to a ws2812 strip or are there some reserved for board function :slight_smile:

Also if some are reserved which can i safely use for controlling my signal :slight_smile:

and how many can i use if using external pwr supply :?:

Hope im not bothering to much with all my questions :slight_smile:

Yes, different GPIO pins will work…just declare the new # in code

The PWM signal is sent over GPIO with a channel #0-15 selected; see here for more info