ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED with ESP32 S2 Thing Plus - Timing problem?

I purchased the Thing Plus shield and ESP32 S2 Thing Plus to work together.
I have a simple task, read the input DMX values from a lighting desk (example 2).
I have managed to get example 1 - dmx output working. So I assume that I have found the correct values of enPin and Dmx.Serial() for this shield/board combination.
(Incidentally- I do notice that the Dmx indicator light on the board that I am outputting too acts differently compared to when it is plugged into the lighting desk)

My problem arises when trying to get example 2 - Dmx input - working.
I am feeding the shield from a lighting desk, channel 1, and initially all I got on the serial monitor was zeros.
By adding another dmxUpdate() and a delay(10) at the end of the loop I am able to get a line printing a value and then a line printing a zero. The values go up and down with the output of the lighting desk.
A partial result!
Removing either of my additions results in zeros.
Changing the delay to a value of 9 or 11 results in zeros.
Changing the number of channels to anything other than 1 results in zeros.

My aim is to have a reliable output for a channel of my choosing.
Is this a possibility? I have read of many people struggling with this problem and tried their suggestions but the above is the best I can get.

If you have access to an oscilloscope or logic analyzer, check the DMX waveform.