ESP8266 Thing Very Low Power Mode


I’m not sure if I’m posting on the correct forum. Apologies if I’m not.

My question is regarding ESP8266 Thing deepsleep(). As you can see from the image - below - my 8266 consumes ~78 uA briefly before suddenly jumping to 540 uA. Is there any reason for this? How can I get it to only consume 78 uA when asleep?

Many thanks!

#include <Ticker.h> // Ticker can periodically call a function
Ticker blinker; // Ticker object called blinker.

int ledPin = 5; // LED is attached to ESP8266 pin 5.
uint8_t ledStatus = 0; // Flag to keep track of LED on/off status
int counter = 0; // Count how many times we've blinked

void setup() 
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set LED pin (5) as an output
  blinker.attach(0.25, blink); // Ticker on blink function, call every 250ms

void loop() 


void blink()
  if (ledStatus)
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
  ledStatus = (ledStatus + 1) % 2; // Flip ledStatus

  if (counter++ > 20) // If we've blinked 20 times
    ESP.deepSleep(60000000, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT); // Sleep for 60 seconds
} … 1353772405