I need some help using an opto-coupler to sense battery voltage of a 96v battery pack on my EV truck.
I have a feeling that this is a math problem, or that the LDR/LED combo I’m using as an opto-coupler is too sensitive/unreliable.
I have an LED hooked up through a 18k resistor to the 96v pack, I tested it and it visibly dimmed when I engaged the main motor on the EV, pulling the voltage down by 2-3 volts, while sucking about 20amps from the pack. So I know the LED is representing voltage sag, or state of charge.
The LDR is a 5k and is hooked up to the arduino in a voltage divider config with a 2.2k resistor (I did this so it hopefully produces around 4.5v for roughly 3-400ohm reading on the LDR and .5v for above 5k, when the LED is off)
The problem I have is that the LDR resistance variance is very small, between 2.935kohm and 2.920kohm, corresponding to the LED so I might be asking too much of the ADC ? I’m not sure. The reading I get stays fairly consistent but often bounces 10’s of volts at a time, something is generating noise.
Two methods of attempting to smooth readings are below in the code, I’ve used the method for current also on the voltage reading.
I need to figure out a way to smooth the readings and also shift the noise down to fractions of a volt in the reading and not have the reading shoot up or down. Math is not a strong point hopefully someone can point out an obvious problem, or ask something I haven’t thought about.
//sample 96 volt traction pack
float packVolts1;
float packVolts;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < smoothread; i1++)
packVolts1 = map(analogRead(packVpin), 1023, 0, 3045, 0 );
// subtract the last reading:
smTotal= smTotal - smoothreadArr[smIndex];
// read from the sensor:
smoothreadArr[smIndex] = packVolts1;
// add the reading to the total:
smTotal= smTotal + smoothreadArr[smIndex];
// advance to the next position in the array:
smIndex = smIndex + 1;
// if we're at the end of the array...
if (smIndex >= smoothread)
// ...wrap around to the beginning:
smIndex = 0;
// calculate the average:
smAvg = smTotal / smoothread;
}//end smooth loop
packVolts = smAvg; //value used for display
//sample current
int packAmpSum = 0.0;
float packAmps;
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 250; i2++){
packAmps = map(analogRead(packApin), 1023, 0, 0, 2614 );
packAmpSum = packAmpSum + packAmps;
packAmps = packAmpSum /88;
if (packAmps < 100)
{ lcd.clear();