Example1_basic not working

I’m using an adafruit esp23 QTPY PICO, and have made it blink, connected my Micro 6DoF IMU and ran what I think was a succesful I2C scan, but when I run example1_basic from the SparkFun ISM33 library nothing shows up in the serial monitor. I have set my Baud rate to 115200 per the example but still nothing. Any thoughts?

Do this stuff to confirm the scan https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-qt- … -scan-test

Also share a photo of your setup/wiring, and be sure to power cycle and/or use the reset button after uploading the code

Here’s my setup and a screenchot of the I2C output

Update, when I reset I get the “Did not begin” output via

if( !myISM.begin() ){

Serial.println(“Did not begin.”);



That’s a long cable; try disabling the i2c pull-up resistors (jumpers → i2c here https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/qw … e-overview) on the sensor and re-try :slight_smile:

I think I cut the resistors but still nothing. I can’t get past the “Did not begin.” output

Looking at your provided information it finds the device on Wire1.

In you sketch change this :

Wire.begin();  to Wire1.begin();

if( !myISM.begin() ){ to if( !myISM.begin(&Wire1) ) {
OR if it does not work :  if( !myISM.begin() ){ to if( !myISM.begin(Wire1) ) {

This was it! Thank you so much