Extract GNSS data from SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band through Type-C cable

Hi everyone,
i have recently received SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band & am able to setup & use it through the Android App.

However, for my application, I need to get RTK GNSS data in real time on my laptop through type-C cable. I would like to get it preferably in Python through script so I can use the data for further processing.

Does someone have experience achieving this previously?
Thanks in Advance.

Welcome Amansh! This is possible. You just need to connect directly to the ZED GNSS receiver.

There are three devices seen over USB (there’s a USB hub in the device). See this doc for more information.


Your device will present three COM ports. In the image above, your COM ports will be different #s. Ignore the CH340 (COM6 above) - that is the ESP32.

We need to determine which of the other two ‘USB Serial Device’ is the ZED (COM13 or COM7 shown above). The other one is the NEO-D9S module used for L-Band reception.

The quickest way is just to connect to these COM ports and look at the output.

Above is an example of the serial output from the NEO. It’s pretty obviously not NMEA.

Above is the NMEA from the ZED on COM 7.

Now all you need is to use Python to monitor the incoming serial.

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Thank you @sparky for your help.

It worked!