Face detection on a chip

I’m in a project and need realtime face detection. There is software solutions (in vvvv, processing, jitter)… but I need it fast, like in the new cameras.

Is there any solution? any chip that can be connected to a firewire camera, don’t know, any suggestion?

Thanks in advance!


I think the best way to have these done is to use an arm chip that can handle Linux and run the libraries already made for Linux for face detection.

or you can use a board like http://www.roboard.com/ that can handle even a windows XP-> i recommend a embedded standard Windows a lot better performance had experiences with it, or install Linux in it. As it is a x86 equivalent, its a lot transparent to install Linux.

Great hardware to work with. :lol: and as it has usb you can just install a web cam to do face recognition.

saw this product press release note which may be of interest to you:
