FGSensors Full Gradiometer Kit WIG-25530

I was excited that there was a kit for this. However there appears to be a flaw in it. The magnetometer sensors are for ± 50uG. That is not large enough. There are areas in the world including the northern part of the US that the natural magnetic field exceeds that. See this URL.


Also some of the software to load the programs is only for windows machines.

More info about the sensors would be helpful. (fluxgate, mu metal etc)

We just resell their (FGSensors) design. For more info click on 'documents; tab for the:


https://www.fgsensors.com/_files/ugd/70 … a69add.pdf

https://www.fgsensors.com/_files/ugd/70 … 3e4a0d.pdf

https://www.fgsensors.com/_files/ugd/70 … cf6841.pdf


https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/1/f/b/8 … er_Kit.pdf

It does have seem to have a usable range (but you’d have to calibrate its linearity to your locale!)

Their website & blog also has more use-cases and more info https://www.fgsensors.com/blog