Getting your PPL!! Nice one! I have a PPL to but not for fixed wing :)Cralis:
With regards the yawwing on turns… the wagging from left to right - has this easystar got ailerons? Did you modify it to have ailerons? I ask, because I have done most of my PPL licence, and know that this soft of effect LOOKS like ‘Adverse Aileron Yaw’, caused by the drag increase on the wing with the aileron in the down position ‘yawwing’ the aircraft in the opposite direction of the attempted turn for a moment. This is resolved with correct rudder input - so, in real life, you’re only inputting rudder (with your foot) when the ailerons are deflected. As soon as you stop the aileron input, you remove rudder input.
No ailerons, no modifications. I have a thing about planes, I buy them to fly not fix+mod
Actually that’s funny that you are getting your PPL. Most guys get into FPV because they want to feel like their flying a real plane. I guess its cheaper than hiring a Cessna though
Your exactly right, you notice lots of flight characteristics flying FPV that you don't when flying normally.Cralis:
I had a debate once with a chap who told me that using a rudder on an aileron R/C plane isn’t required, because you don’t notice the adverse yaw from the ground - However, I guess with FPV, it’s a lot more noticable…
The EZGlider has a servo for each aileron, so you can mix them into spoilerons. You don't want to use them as flaps though, as i'm sure your aware, flaps need to be no the inner TE of the wing not in the middle. Turning them into flaps in an EZGlider will probably get you to tip stall when 4ft of the ground.Cralis:
A quick question about the easy glider. Some guy told me you need a hell of a lot of ‘runway’ for the landing of these things, because they tend to glide a long way. Is this correct? Do they have spoilers to slow down and descend quickly on finals?
Edit: Check the RCGroups post for a bit more on landing…
That's great. So what are you going with. EZGlider with RV Goggles + 900MHz video. I think you should be able to pull that off for under $850 easily. The dollar is a bit better now to.Cralis:
Just checked my bank, and the chap that bought my chopper HAS paid - so it’s go, go, go! Buy, buy, buy!!! Find stock, stock, stock.
Also, you might want to check out this: … ucts_id=20
Some food for thought:
The only problem is that you don’t have a spare linear channel on the DX7, like a knob. When I had my EZStar I had the pan on the aileron channel and the tilt on the 3-Pos switch. Problem is you need all the directions on the stick for flying the EZGlider, unless you disconnect the rudder which I have been known to do on occasion on some planes (who uses rudder anyway :D)
There is some new head tracking units coming out that look like they may be compatible with the DX7, but as far as I can read into it, the installation process will mean you have to open up your TX and do some soldering. If HT’s were compatible with the DX7 then I would be all over it already. I am working on something as far as HT’s go, but its very early stages, nothing physical yet.
For now an option could be to have a fixed tilt and the Pan on the 3 position switch. It’s not a very nice solution but it’s a start?