Ft232r + atmega238 + arduino = error

Hey guys and girls, got a problem. Just got the amega238 with bootloader and the ft232r break out board. Wired it all up on a breadboard and get the flashing led on pin 13 but get the following error when trying to load code using arduino


avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect 0x14; resp=0x51

any help???

Simple answer: You haven’t got it hooked up right.

I’d guess that you aren’t resetting the micro properly - have you implemented the auto-reset part of the circuit? If not, you’ll need a way to manually reset - either a momentary pushbutton connected to pin 1 with the other side to GND, or a switch you can use to turn on/off the power.

Hello, thanks for the reply but in simple terms. I have boathouse auto and manual implemented and I still get the error not matter how I try to manualy reset it

Ha! That’s a funny spell-check (I assume) correction - boathouse.

Have you got the correct board selected in the Tools->Board dropdown menu?

I assume you mean mega328 in the first post, not 238

Sry about spelling, doing this on the iPhone due to the net being out and yes it’s the correct board