I have one of these and it has no markings other than 3.3v, GND, Tx and Rx. Does anyone have any idea the pinouts for the rest of the board?
It is green and doesn’t look like the same layout as the red ones.
I have one of these and it has no markings other than 3.3v, GND, Tx and Rx. Does anyone have any idea the pinouts for the rest of the board?
It is green and doesn’t look like the same layout as the red ones.
Soooooo am I the only one that doesn’t have any printing on the bottom of one of these?
Perhaps if you provide a link to the item you’re talking about? There are lots of breakout boards for the FT232R…
I think it has been supersedded by this http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … cts_id=718
Here are some photos of it anyway.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2755/429 … decaec.jpg
http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4013/429 … ba0734.jpg
I can’t see the photos, but they provide a schematic on that link you posted…
Some of those header pins need to be resoldered…
yeah didn’t relise how bad they were till I saw that macro, eye sight must be failing.
Hey guys… this is a old thread, but I have this exact same board and also need some information on the pins for it…
any one have any information on the breakout, of this breakout?
You might get the definitive answer from SparkFun, but this looks like the earlier version of the 3.3V FT232R breakout board.
We use to use this board for debug/program connection to our devices. It worked great, the only problem was when they redesigned it the connector spacing changed, so we ended up switching to the Arduino version.
From the schematic, the new board has activity LEDs added, and maybe 1 less bypass cap. In any case a couple minutes with a beeper should tell the story.
And definately warm up that soldering iron and touch up those connectors you added.
I have the same board. The major difference is that we only have two 8-pin connectors along the side rather than 9-pin connectors.
Our connectors don’t have the two GND pins. You’ll have to connect your ground to the GND pin of the 4-pin connector at the end of the board.
Looking at the front side of the board, with the USB connector at the top: the left connector I will call JPL and the right connector JPR.
Notice that JPL has pin-1 toward the top and JPR has pin-1 toward the bottom.
1: VCC…8: CTS
2: 3.3V…7: DCD