Well i know this is a little different. But i just got a boke and am looking to make a gear indicator, It seems very easy im just not the best when it comes to designing circuits.
I found one that lights up LED’s but i would like it to operate a character led display from 1-6 and an N for neutral.
Basically there is one wire comming from the tranny that indicates what gear im in.
1st gear = 1.782v
2nd gear = 2.242v
3rd gear = 2.960v
4th gear = 3.630v
5th gear = 4.310v
6th gear = 4.660v
Neutral = 5.000v
If it would be possible to wire up a circuit that can switch from 1 to 2 when lets say the voltage goes above 2v. Just because im sure after time the voltages will float around a little.
I would really appriciate any help with this and am willing to pay anyone if they would be able to come up with a working circuit. Please let me know if you can help me out or have any other questions.
Here is one that a guy came upi with that lights up LED’. I would just like numbers instead of counting lights.
You will need a ADC to convert the voltage in numbers.
Most micro controllers have ADCs built in.
You should look here to see how to start working with a micro:
at the “PIC Tutorials”
I’d use a pic from here:
http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/catego … Path=51_22
With a programmer like:
http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … ducts_id=8
and a serial enabled LCD:
http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … cts_id=814
I’ve designed one for my SV1000S, using a small 8 pin PIC, which just indicates top gear. It works on the bench. It uses the PIC ADC and could easily be adapted to give each gear position. I’m working in France for a few days and don’t have the code with me, you are welcome to it when I get back.
I’ve designed one for my SV1000S, using a small 8 pin PIC, which just indicates top gear.
Doesn’t it drive you nuts when you can’t shift into 7th gear?
circuits and code for a seven segment LED for your motorcycle:
http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name … motorcycle
thank you guys soo much. This helps alot!! I have no programming knowlege, but if i were looking into learning to program stuff like this what would you guys recommend?
I actually have the PIC code for the GPI I mentioned with me on my laptop:
;Gear position indicator program for PIC12F675
;measures voltage on AN0 (pin 7) with ADC
;if voltage is between 2.93 V and 3.42 V, LED (pin 2) is on
;otherwise it is off
;ADC is 10 bits, and has a max. value of 0x3FF or 1023.
;With a 5 V reference, this gives a resolution of 5/1024
;or 4.88 mV.
list p=12f675 ;list directive to define processor
#include "p12f675.inc" ;processor specific variable definitions
#define LED 5
#define ADC 0
#define UPPER_LIMIT .700 ;3.42 V
#define LOWER_LIMIT .600 ;2.93 V
;macro definitions
;macro compares the 16 bit value stored in fr,
;fr-1 to a 16 bit literal number. It jumps to
;an address if the value in the registers is higher
;than the literal.
cjalwd macro fr1,L1,L2,addr
movf fr1,W
sublw L1
btfss STATUS,C
goto addr
movlw L1
subwf fr1,W
btfss STATUS,C
goto $+5
movf fr1-1,W
sublw L2
btfss STATUS,C
goto addr
cblock 0x20
org 0
banksel ANSEL
movlw 11h ;AN0 as analog input,conversion clock Fosc/8
movwf ANSEL
bankseL CMCON
movlw 07h ;comparators off
movwf CMCON
movlw 0x81 ;ADC on, right justified
movwf ADCON0
banksel TRISIO
movlw 0x0F ;LED output GPIO5 (pin 2), AN0 input GPIO0 (pin 7) 00001111
movwf TRISIO
;main program loop
call read_ADC ;read ADC
banksel GPIO
cjalwd ADC_value_hi,HIGH UPPER_LIMIT,LOW UPPER_LIMIT,LED_off ;compare ADC value with upper limit
cjalwd ADC_value_hi,HIGH LOWER_LIMIT,LOW LOWER_LIMIT,LED_on ;compare ADC value with lower limit
bsf GPIO,LED ;LED off
goto loop
bcf GPIO,LED ;LED on
goto loop
;function to read ADC
;returns high and low bytes (10 bits) in ADC_value_hi
;and ADC_value_lo variables. Value is right-justified.
banksel ADCON0
bsf ADCON0,1 ;start conversion
btfss PIR1,ADIF
goto WaitADC ;wait for ADC to finish
movf ADRESH, W ;get high byte
movwf ADC_value_hi
banksel ADRESL
movf ADRESL, W ;get low byte
movwf ADC_value_lo
banksel PIR1
bcf PIR1,ADIF ;clear conversion flag
I didn’t write the macro, I filched it from somewhere.
Well i tried to figure this out, but i have no programming knowlege at all…
If anyone want to throw together a schematic and a PIC code i will gladly pay for it.
All i want is it to read the voltage off one wire and have a +12v voltage source for power. All it needs to do is be hooked up to a numerical LED display and be able to display 1-6 and N.
Please email me at xboxonly@comcast.net if you can do this.
Buying one will cost you less than paying someone to design it for you.