Generate .bin file from 2 or more Arduino files


I have 2 Arduino files(.ino) in 1 folder and I need to generate a binary file for both of these files together (not individually, also not by copy pasting them one below other !)

Is there a way to do this?



If they are two separate sketches, you can’t combine them into one binary and have them still function. If one sketch is called by the other, the compiler should combine them into a single binary file automatically though.

You might try asking on the [Arduino Forum, someone may have a tutorial that goes into detail how to have a sketch with multiple .INO files. SparkFun doesn’t really have too many examples of doing multiple .INO’s the only one I can recall would be [this one and it’s a really simple sketch but might be helpful.


Hello TS-Chris,

Ok sure. Thank you !

It is easy to do, but is a bit weird compared to C (or C++). The Arduino build (with Arduino IDE) won’t really compile each file separately. They all get automatically concatenated together. So if you declare variables or functions static (file-level), they will still be visible from all your other .ino files. That is because once the compiler sees your code, it’ll all be in one file.

The .ino that that matches the directory name is always first. Then every other .ino file in your project directory in concatenated in lexicographical order. So if you have a sample project with files like the following


They will be combined in the following order: myproj.ino more-stuff.ino other.ino and that result will then be compiled.