Generating Interrupt on ADXL345

Hello guys,

This is my first question relate to the ADXL345 accelerometer.

I am using stm32f0 and adxl345 for my project.

I want to activate interrupt when there is activity on adxl (adxl should be in sleep mode ) and generates interrupt that will wake up stm32 from sleep mode.

I can read normal readings but not getting interrupt.

Please help me out from this.

Unfortunately we don’t have any STM code.

We have some example code for Arduino in our [hookup guide. You might be able to adapt that for use on your uC.](ADXL345 Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)

Thanks for reply ,

I don’t want code

I want only the required flow of register write and data to be written in it.

You will need to consult the data sheet for that, but reverse engineering what the library and example code would probably be helpful as well.