Hi all,
I emerged the newest release of the openocd 0.8 from the main repo (~amd64) with flags (ftdi -usb).
during build I checked the configure switches, among others:
–disable-usb-blaster-2 --enable-usb_blaster_libftd
So the build should be able to work with usb blaster and not with usb blaster II → seems ok
but when i run the openocd with -f interfaces/altera-usb-blaster.cfg the program complains that there is no usb_blaster driver and lists avalible drivers amongst which there is no usb_blaster.
I checked the build log and found that the usb_blaster.c was built.
so my question, why is that ? Do usb_blaster need other configure switches turned on ?
I also emerge the openocd with usb flag turned on (so both usb and ftdi). The result was that the usb_blaster driver was found but the USB Blaster II programmer was choosed, and I need USB Blaster.