Getting started with BMI270 Breakout

We’re looking to add two BMI270 IMUs to our system but we’re having a hard time getting started. Is there a hookup guide coming soon or any existing examples we should follow?

The BMI270 is still an experimental product so there’s not currently any plans for a hookup guide or example code. Maybe in the future, but nothing for now.

Thanks for the reply! I was able to use their C reference API and get by. I have a separate question about this breakout board though regarding changing the I2C address. The description says there are “on-board solder jumpers allow you to easily select the device address”. I see a solder jumper labeled I2C on the back - what should I do specifically to change the I2C address from the primary one to the secondary one?

The I2C jumper enables or disables the I2C bus pullup resistors, they are enabled by default. If you want to change the I2C address you want the ADR jumper. When that’s open the address is 0x68 and closing it switches the board to 0x69.