kind of panicing right now
updated my express plug to 4.2 and tried to update the F9R but that gave a “Unable to read the receiver and software version. Aborting…”
now on startup i get a GNSS failed message and the position fix is “N/A” and Sat number is “X”
any method to try to get it back to old F9R firmware?
You updated your ESP32 to RTK Firmware 4.2, and the ZED-F9R to what version? I believe the latest ZED-F9R firmware we support is HPG 1.30. I recommend you use u-center to be sure you have v1.30 loaded on the F9R.
This is strange. HPS1.40 is supposed to add train support. Release notes for HPS1.30 don’t talk about it (but Interface Description 1.30 contains support for RAIL).
Alex also mentioned to me that they are now public describing the level-arm support keys (relating antenna and vehicle reference points/frames). I need to go back through some of the u-Blox forum tickets and fish out the people asking.
In u-center release note, they are only talking of CFG-SFODO-IMU2VRP and not of CFG-SFCORE-IMU2CRP and CFG-SFIMU-IMU2ANT, that are all about the different reference points. In addition to IMU, antenna and vehicle reference point (middle of rear axle) one can define an additional Configurable reference point (CRP). Will need to install this version.
BTW, I’ve update flawlessly my device to firmware 1.40.