I am wondering if the RTK Facet L-Band can connect to other reference station networks rather than through Ublox’s Point Perfect service? We have a state network called WISCORS https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/doing-bu … lt.aspx.
Perhaps even RTK Facet could connect to another reference station network such as WISCORS in Rover mode when RTCM correction data is sent over bluetooth?
Lastly, what is the ublox service that is included in the RTK Facet L-Band? How many hours of service? What is the current value of that service?
L-Band is $30/month, can pull keys, pairs available spanning some 7-8 weeks. The free year obviously being a better deal, although uBlox is relatively restrictive about who they want to do business with.
WISCORS would be free, but your costs would be the cellular data when you use it, if that’s your mode of connectivity to the internet. WISCORS seems to have reasonable density along the interstate, at least the 39 corridor I frequently traverse. There might be more local services at a county level. In DuPage IL they have a 7km radius deployment across the county.
I saw a comparative chart for PointPerfect vs Hexagon, SwiftNav, Trimble, etc and uBlox was pretty competitive. My Google foo is weak today, if I can figure where I saw it I’ll post back.
If you have your own networking, internet or radio, you could always establish your own local infrastructure. Perhaps establishing location quickly with external services, and then projecting that more long-term locally. SparkFun has various hardware that could facilitate that.