GNSS Timing Board Hold-over

Good morning!

I am interested in the SparkFun GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T (Qwiic). I plan to use it to generate a 1pps signal to synchronize a group of cameras. I would like to understand how accurately the PCBA keeps time when it doesn’t have access to GPS? I believe this is called “hold-over” accuracy. This feature is critical because I plan to use the board both indoors and outdoors, with and without GPS connectivity.



Holdover accuracy isn’t directly listed in any of our documents ( … /Documents - version -10B); though the best I can tell (feel free to correct me!) it looks like 5 microseconds?

This is might be something that best lends itself to physical testing…if you do such, please report your findings here too :smiley: