gnuarm insight problems on linux


I have installed the GNUARM toolset and openocd with Amontec JTAGKey on Windows with help from the various Jim Lynch Tutorials on the web to successfully flash and debug LPC2106.

I am now trying to migrate this toolchain to Linux, and have found what seems to be a functional difference between the windows cygwin build and the Linux version of Inisight.

I am using the same insight command line, configuration and source files for both operating systems with different results:

Windows command line:

arm-elf-insight -x olimex_lpce2106_rom_kent.gdb main.out

Note: the -x option provides a list of gdb commands to execute and here they are:



target remote localhost:3333

monitor soft_reset_halt

monitor arm7_9 force_hw_bkpts enable

thbreak main


This works as expected, with a breakpoint stopping execution at main.


When I use the same comand line and gdb source file in Linux build

arm-elf-insight -x olimex_lpce2106_rom_kent.gdb main.out

I get the following error reported:

Function main not defined.

“Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load?”

So basically it can’t find main even though when I go into arm-elf-gdb and type individaully the same commands as in the olimex_lpce2106_rom_kent.gdb file, the break point sets correctly and stops execution.

There seems to be something wrong with the source file parsing in GDB for linux.

Any ideas as to why the command file parsing in Linux doesn’t work the same as Windows?

Note: Both versions are listed as version 6.1 of Insight when I run the --version option.



I have the same kind of problem.

My assumption, gdb v6.1 does not support the old version of arm-elf-*.