Perhaps I’m just searching badly. Anyway, I’ve looked at the hardware vendor they link but I can’t even figure out how much this costs in USD. I’d much rather deal with SparkFun. Given that this seems to be an open platform I’m wondering if SparkFun will be developing something that would be compatible?
I’m thinking that I probably should have put this in the “Projects and SparkFun Product Questions” forum. Don’t really want to cross post so maybe the moderator will move it?
I found your post by searching here for the Android@Home which I’m trying to find more information on, I think we’ll see more after I/O finishes and the developer community begin to start digesting what they’ve seen.
From what I’ve read it should be possible to port the ADK to any of the development boards equiped with a MCU equivalent to the Mega2560 or above.
One of the Adafruit references is for a site with instructions on how to run the software on standard Arduino hardware (MEGA + USB Host Shield), which is especially significant since the official kit is 1) sold out, and 2) very expensive (~$400)