Is there any software that will take in NMEA data and filter it for a certain PDOP value or Number of satellites.
E.g, if I want to remove all the GPS points that were with less than 6 satellites, or if I want to remove all GPS points from the data that have PDOP more than 2.
OR may be if there is a software that will take in NMEA data and convert it to TXT file and seperately tell the number of Sats used and PDOP and then I can filter it with excel?
Assuming NMEA data has a seperator between each value (such as comma , which i think it is) then you can just use the text import wizard in Excel, telling it to use the comma to seperate stings into columns. Then, you would have a column for each type of variable.
I believe Hyper Terminal can capture GPS data as .txt files, which can then be imported into Excel.
It is possible to use VBA script and macro’s in Excel to import data directly into excel, but that is far beyond me.
hi, problem is that I want all data in the text file, and unfortunately, NMEA puts useful info seperated into several types of sentences that it sends in groups.
So i guess it has to be some neat trick like the VBA you mentioned
I do a lot of filtering GPS values based on location, DOP, speed, etc, etc. But, I do it all in program R. It is a high level language and several packages (e.g. trip) have built in functions for dealing with GPS and other data of this nature (e.g. time series). I know learning another program/language may not be a helpful answer, but it is a great program with all sorts of uses. Oh, it’s free too.