I was reading the GPS tutorial (http://bit.ly/clTpt) and am trying to figure out which module I should get between the convenient USB stick (http://bit.ly/16U82) or the EM406 (http://bit.ly/1DC0zp).
I’m building a photo logging application that I’ll be taking backpacking up Mount Shasta in May. It will take a picture every 2 minutes with a shoulder mountain camera and then tag it with the GPS data.
I need a GPS module that is, reliable, easy to interface with and low power.
I also already have a wireless USB stick (from Sprint) which has built-in GPS. Is there any good way to test the internal GPS to make sure it’ll work well for my application?
Anybody have experience or thoughts on this?
I can’t speak for the sprint stick.
Regarding the other modules - the EM-406 is great if you’re interfacing it with a micro, the USB is great for talking to a computer.
The EM-406a reception is extremely good [easily beating my garmin]. I’ve never used the USB stick one.
–David Carne