I am working on this project programming and using a Atmel NGW100. Since iv already used all my RS232 outputs, I have to implement the GPS over I2C/TWI.
Do you guys know of some 12/20/32 channel GPS’s supporting I2C/TWI?
My second option is to use this: http://www.emicros.com/pic1.htm, couse iv understood its easy to implement GPS over the RS232.
u-blox LEA-5S (and others in the LEA-5 and TIM-5 series). Excellent performance. Kind of expensive in prototype quantities, but at least they’re available (direct from manufacturer)
Thank you no first name supplied! This looks nice!
I’ll have a better look at it as soon as I got the time today, but “I2C compliant interface”: Does this mean its build in drivers and stuff, so I can connect it directly to my NGW100 card and get some data, or does this mean costume firmware?
If you have a device that the micro only transmits data to, you could then use the receive line to receive the GPS data. I’ve seen this done before and it can work quite well when you have more devices than serial ports.
Have any of you had success implementing the UBX protocol over I2C? I am pretty confused.
It seems I read/write from the 0xFF buffer which is the temp read/write, but what I don’t understand is what I write to the buffer if I want to read from the
Header ID
0xB5 0x62 0x01 0x03
which is the definition of the nav status message…