GSM Shield v.2 + Arduino UNO... some problem!!!


I buyed this shield board:

with external antenna connector.

I have an Arduino UNO board.

I plugged shield on Arduino board and with Arduino IDE v1.0.5 I tryed to use a GSM library with examples to try a sms send and receive.

While testing the program seems to freeze on initializing gsm in .begin method. I attached an image to focus the point of program stops…

PINNUMBER was set to “” due to not set sim’s pin number.

But I tryend with sim’s pin number set and PINNUMBER correctly also but the results was not changed.

I tried alto to power the boards with external power … nothing changing…

Could someone help me, please?

Copy your code and paste it in a reply using code tags. Highlight code, click the “code” button in the editor.

solved !

the problem was the sim card…

the code I used is here:

When you entered the sims PIN# , did you use quotation marks like this? (“#############”)

If you didnt use the quotation marks, thats why its did the same thing.

------------edit fri, may 25 --------------------

duh! didnt see above post…demonstrating skillz at involuntary ‘brain-fade’ / posterior cognition