H3LIS331DL using SPI

I have a Teensy 4.1 driving an ICM-20948, a UBLOX SAM-M8Q, a third party MS5611, and an H3LIS331DL. The UBLOX is on a serial port. I can get the other three to work on I2C just fine. However, I need SPI for speed. I can get the ICM-20984 and the MS5561 working just fine on SPI but in spite of everything I’ve tried I can’t get the H3LIS331DL to work on SPI. It just gives a -1 count. I’ve tried different CS lines, different SPI modes, etc. Does anyone have working SPI code for a SparkFun H3LIS331DL?

Nevermind. Finally got it working. Teensy was VERY particular about which pins to use for CS.