Has sparkfun ever considered.....?

A service where the user designs rough prototype ABS enclosures, moving parts, robotic legs and such??

My idea is designs limited to flats pieces of CNC cut ABS of various thickness, with joint pieces of ABS at various angles to hold together the flat pieces, maybe some pieces with an “][” (looking at the end) shape for weight bearing, less flexible parts. We can glue them together or find a way to safely “weld” the joints by melting small rods of plastic. The sparkfun crew could easily build the CNC machine from off the shelf parts.

I am working on a toy/game project that will need to do something like this.

On a funny note, a lot of internet sites detailing DIY plastic vacuum molding has that as a 13 step process, 12 steps to create the parts, step 13 is dressing up as a stormtrooper.

I’m just curious what do you think? Is this idea crazy, irrelevant or something someone else already does?

But would they be able to beat well established companies like [Ponoko, [Shapeways or [eMachineshop?](http://www.emachineshop.com)](http://www.shapeways.com)](http://www.ponoko.com)

The [Big Blue Saw is another good one I’ve used… [Specifically for robot legs… :P](http://roko.ca/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=212&g2_serialNumber=1)](http://www.bigbluesaw.com/)

The [Big Blue Saw is another good one I’ve used… [Specifically for robot legs… :P[/quote]I know. I’ve been reading and waiting… :wink:

I seem to remember SparkFun venturing into custom designed enclosures a while back…](http://roko.ca/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=212&g2_serialNumber=1)](http://www.bigbluesaw.com/)

Try shapeways, the cheapest and best for this job though they dont offer as many material types as the rest.